Sunday, 6 May 2012

Early Sunday Morning

I woke early this morning and decided to make my Husband Breakfast. We often skip Breakfast, especially of a week day, so sometimes it's nice to stop and make time to do this. Freshly baked Croissants, Blueberry Conserve, Tea and Coffee and we're set. We listen to the radio, we witter to each other and just general take time to enjoy the early morning. What made today's Breakfast even sweeter was that it's a Bank Holiday weekend.


Sandra said...

Hello Claire, nice to visit you here and join you for breakfast! What a lovely table you set!
Thank you for visiting Reflections and Nature today!

Anonymous said...

Loving the china

TY for your comment on my blog, always nice to see a new face, I would CRY if I had to undo that many squares...oh no...actually I'd have made more of both size and ended up with two blankets! Not easily defeated and stubborn about undoing my efforts. ;-p

Claire said...

How lovely to take the time and enjoy a yummy breakfast together.....

Croissants, jam and coffee sounds and looks absolutely delish.....

Claire :}